Price lists
Transport price list for companies
In the transport price list for companies, you will find out about the promotional prices of window delivery from Poland to England, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and the USA. Check the terms and conditions of the promotional shipping price list for orders to the location of your choice!
Transport price list to the US
In the transport price list for companies, you will find out about the promotional prices of window delivery from Poland tothe USA. Check the terms and conditions of the promotional shipping price list for orders to the location of your choice!
In the price list for patio windows, you will find a price comparison of popular designs and learn about the price differences between PVC balcony sets, smart-slide and HST sliding windows, as well as aluminum sliding windows.
Aluminium windows price list for companies
In the price list of aluminum windows you will find examples of prices for warm aluminum windows in the most popular sizes. On the example of the popular and valued aluminum systems Ponzio PE68, Ponzio PE78 and Ponzio PE96, we present the difference between the three classes of windows and their prices for companies in the construction industry.
Wood windows price list for companies
In the price list of wood windows, we have provided examples of prices for wood windows in 3 classes - 68 Euroline, 78 Euroline and 92 Euroline. Illustrative prices are given for wooden windows in the most popular sizes and for various types of wood - pine, meranti and oak.
PVC windows price list for companies
We dedicate the price list of PVC windows to our clients - companies from the construction industry. We have provided illustrative prices for windows from various price groups - Salamander 73, Veka Softline 76, Rehau Geneo 86. The prices are for systems in the most popular sizes.
Roller shutters price list for companies
In the roller shutters price list, you will find a set of prices for individual models of external roller shutters and accessories, which will allow you to evaluate your order in a few seconds. Roller shutter pricing has never been so easy. Additionally, you can download the shutters valuation sheet in PDF format.

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