Wood windows calculator for companies

The wood windows calculator for companies allows having express valuation of windows, thanks to which you will gain more time to conduct your business. The prices calculated by the calculator are average market net retail prices.

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Select a window type

Select the type of window that interests you


Choose the type of wood

Select the type and thickness of the profile on which you want to create the window


Window dimensions

Enter the width and height of the window (in millimeters)

Enter a value between 400 mm - 2500 mm

Enter a value between 700 mm - 1800 mm


Window color

Choose a color variant.
Wood colors include 16 azure color options (with a visible wood structure)
from light, delicate to strong and decisive, plus colors from the RAL and NSC palette.


The level of energy efficiency

Select the number of panes in the window. Triple-glazed windows ensure greater energy efficiency than double-glazed windows, therefore they will be a good solution in modern energy-saving construction.


Number of windows

Enter the number of windows to be valuated

Add a window to the valuation cart

Window added to the valuation cart

add next window or Go to the price list basket

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