June 2023

The best uPVC alu look windows 2023 – Top alternatives to aluminum

Best minimalist uPVC windows - top-ranked

In our 10 years experience, we know that customers are often looking for cheaper and warmer alternatives to aluminum windows. Construction companies ask us about minimalist uPVC windows that look like aluminum. We are committed to helping you make decisions that are profitable for your business, so we have prepared this ranking.

In the ranking you can find much more than just a list of technical parameters, which are included in the product sheets. Our ranking is not just a set of facts, it is a result of our perception and experiences of debesto, construction companies, window suppliers and system providers.

We have evaluated the quality of the minimalist uPVC window as a complete, finished product that is meant to contribute to the profitability of your business.

Table of contents:

We rely on data provided from the manufacturer. If, as a system provider, you see an error in the description of your products, remember that it is the manufacturers who prefabricate on your profiles who provided the data for this compilation.

uPVC alu look windows – an alternative to aluminum windows

Why are we introducing you to minimalist uPVC windows as a very good alternative to aluminum windows? Not only because they are more than 2 times cheaper, but they look very similar, have a similar design and we know from our customers’ experience that they can be easily combined with aluminum windows and doors. You can read more about the differences between uPVC and aluminum in our article. Meanwhile, next to this we present a quick comparison of 2 top representatives of uPVC and aluminum.

Brief comparison of uPVC alu look profile with aluminum profile

Aluprof MB-79NAluplast Ideal Neo
Aluprof MB-79N cornerAluplast Ideal Neo uPVC window corner
from 425 USDfrom 186 USD
Price per reference window 4 ft 0.43 in x 4 ft 10.27 in

List of the best minimalist uPVC windows

Below you can find a list of European windows we’ve rated in our ranking of aluminum-look uPVC windows. Alphabetical order:

Top-ranked minimalist uPVC windows – what did we compare?

top-ranked minimalist uPVC windows what did we compare

Our ranking included 6 window systems from 3 European system providers. Comparing one type of window does not give us the whole picture of the capabilities of a particular system. Therefore, we compared sets consisting of 12 pieces of different types of windows. Each window in a similar standard – 3-paned. 

We evaluated windows in 3 most important categories:

  • price
  • quality
  • quality-to-price ratio

While the price of windows is easy to measure in dollars, “quality” for everyone can mean something different to everyone. Below you can check the exact criteria we used to evaluate the quality of the windows.

Best alu look uPVC windows list criteria

In order to pick out the best uPVC windows with an aluminum look, we decided to evaluate their quality. What windows quality means to us? To define it, we adopted the most important (in our opinion) evaluation criteria. Here they are:

  • Thermal capabilities – Uw – The lower the achievable U Factor, the more applications the system has. You will be able to meet the exacting requirements for thermal performance in your project, for example, for a tender.
  • Hardware – Reliability of hardware means trouble-free operation after installation. You will have fewer complaints and service trips. This will save you time and money.
  • Minimal sash + frame height and width of the central mullion – the low height of the frame and sash and the narrow mullion affect the amount of light entering the room. You will meet the requirements of the investor who expects aesthetics and modern appearance of the windows. 
  • Completeness of the system – makes you can use one system for different types of windows in the project. It makes it easier to install and connect windows, and gives you a unified design.
  • Reliability of the supplier – a trustworthy supplier guarantees repetitive production of a certain quality, gives you the assurance of fast and timely execution of orders, and efficiently handles few complaints. For you, this means easier management of works on site and will allow you to complete more projects.

We awarded from 0 to 3 points for each of the criteria listed, so in total one system could receive a maximum of 15 points in the “quality” category.

Top 3 cheapest minimalist uPVC windows 2023

The cheapest aluminum-looking uPVC windows in 2023 are Aluplast Ideal Neo. The set costs 3,127 USD.

In ranking, we only included windows that meet our strict standards. So you can rest assured that in this case cheap doesn`t mean poor quality. Importing windows from this category, you can confidently compete for tenders, implement energy-efficient and economical construction projects with a modern, minimalist design.

The cheapest in our list of uPVC windows with an aluminum look is offered by Aluplast Ideal Neo. This system does not deviate from most of its competitors in terms of parameters, U Factor 0.14 is comparable to the others, and at a very favorable price. So you can meet even stringent design requirements and be competitively priced at the same time. 

In the evaluated set of 12 windows, Ideal Neo leaves behind its brother Energeto Neo (18% difference) and Gealan Linear (22% difference). All 3 systems offer equally good hardware, thermal performance and system completeness. 

The cheapest minimalist uPVC windows – table

Set of 12 windowsPrice (USD)
Aluplast Ideal Neo3,127
Aluplast Energeto Neo3,685
Gealan Linear3,820
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Infinity4,205
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Abstract4,276
Gealan Kubus8,140

Alternative solution: Energeto Neo

A good alternative can be the 2nd place winner – Aluplast Energeto Neo. This system imitates aluminum even better thanks to the availability of a version that flushes the frame with the sash from the outside.

Aluplast Energeto Neo flush version

Top 3 minimalist uPVC windows of the highest quality

The best minimalist uPVC windows in 2023 in our ranking are Aluplast Energeto Neo, which scored 13.5 points out of a possible 15.

If the quality of minimalist windows is most important in your project, buying the Energeto Neo system, which won 1st place in the “highest quality” category, will meet the investor’s exacting requirements. Gealan Kubus and Aluplast Ideal Neo were right behind.

Aluplast Energeto Neo gained a slight advantage over Gealan Kubus due to its reliable supplier and better system completeness.

Energeto Neo offers the option to flush the profile from the outside, very good thermal performance with U-Factor 0.13 Btu/h·ft2·F, high-quality hardware, the height of the frame and sash of 4.53 in. In the aspect of supplier`s reliability Energeto has an advantage over Kubus, which lost 1 point for occurring problems with complaints.

Gealan Kubus – the most minimalist profile

Gealan Kubus ranked 2nd with a loss of only 0.5 points to the winner. It has the option to flush the sash from the outside and from the inside. It has the best U Factor 0.12 Btu/h·ft2·F parameter among all compared profiles. At the same time, it offers the lowest frame and sash height of 3.94 in

Kubus is the only one available in acrylcolor on the outside. The acrylcolor coating allows you to easily remove scratches made during installation. Your builder will appreciate the high color fastness, easy care and weather resistance. There are only 9 colors available in the configuration of white on the inside and acrylcolor on the outside.

Gealan Kubus can therefore be an alternative to Energeto, but only if your investor has very specific requirements for profile appearance, low sash and frame height or best thermal performance. However, it will be necessary to allocate a budget for it more than twice as high as for the Energeto.

Best alu look uPVC windows with highest quality – table

Windows setScore
Aluplast Energeto Neo13.5
Gealan Kubus13
Aluplast Ideal Neo13
Gealan Linear12
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Infinity12
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Abstract12

Top 3 minimalist uPVC windows – best quality/price ratio 2023

In the 2023 comparison of minimalist uPVC windows in the quality/price category, Aluplast Ideal Neo was the best.

The system offers good performance of U Factor 0.14 Btu/h·ft2·F and sash+frame height 4.33 in at the most favorable price. Importantly, the supplier represents a high level and is trustworthy, making it a strong asset for this system.

The second place comes to Aluplast Energeto Neo. It is 18% more expensive than the winner (3,685/ 3,127 USD). What do you get at this price? A better U-Factor, and the possibility of flush-fitting the sash with the frame. Worth considering if the investor requires highest thermal performance. Keep in mind at the same time that it lacks panel doors.

Third place in terms of quality/price ratio went to Gealan Linear. It has the lowest sash and frame height of 4.33 in. However, it lost the competition to Aluplast mainly due to its higher price and a lower score for reliability of the supplier, which has problems with complaint handling.

Quality/price ratio best uPVC alu look windows – table

Windows setScore
Aluplast Ideal Neo4.16
Aluplast Energeto Neo3.66
Gealan Linear3.14
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Infinity2.85
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Abstract2.81
Gealan Kubus1.60

Other considerations

Check in detail below what influenced our final assessment of the quality of the aluminum-look uPVC window systems checked in the ranking. You’ll learn what criteria were important to us and the number of points the windows received for each.

Warmest minimalist uPVC windows

The best thermal performance is Gealan Kubus, which achieved an excellent U Factor 0.12 Btu/h·ft2·F. However, these windows are more than 2 times more expensive than their competitors.

All windows in our list have the option of 3 panes in the sash. We can consider all of them as warm, energy-efficient windows, which will allow them to be used in passive building projects. The worst result obtained is Uw=0,81 W/m2·K (U-Factor 0.14 Btu/h·ft2·F), which we still consider an excellent result.

What is the significance of U-Factor in practice?

Contrary to opinions that sometimes appear, in practice small differences in U-Factor do not translate into any significant savings in energy charges. 

So when does it matter to you? When the technical requirements of a given project assume specific technical parameters for the window. To be honest, it’s all about the numbers. For instance, the difference between Uw 0.9 (U-Factor 0.16) and Uw 0.8 (U-Factor 0.14) is imperceptible neither to the users of the building nor to the people paying the heating bills.

ProfilePrice (USD)U-Factor (Btu/h·ft2·F)Uw (W/m2·K)Score for U-Factor
Gealan Kubus8,1400.120.703
Aluplast Energeto Neo3,6850.130.762,5
Gealan Linear3,8200.140.782
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Abstract4,2760.140.792
Aluplast Ideal Neo3,1270.140.802
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Infinity4,2050.140.812
Difference in energy losses over the year (UW)

Hardware in uPVC windows alu look

No matter which of the windows featured in our ranking you choose for your project, when it comes to hardware you can rest assured. We considered all the hardware used to be of equal quality and awarded them the maximum number of points. These hardware come from manufacturers renowned in the industry.

Aluplast Energeto NeoROTO NT3
Aluplast Ideal NeoROTO NT3
Deceuninck Elegant 76 InfinityROTO NX3
Deceuninck Elegant 76 AbstractROTO NX3

Windows with the lowest sash and frame height

The lowest height of sash + frame – 3.94 in – have Gealan Kubus windows. This is as much as 0.59 in more than in the worst window in this category.

The low sash and frame height increases the glass area of the window and more natural light enters the room. Conversely, a high of the sash and frame reduces the glass area and looks less modern or even unsightly.

Is this important to you?

Minimalist windows are currently popular due to the worldwide trend in building design. If your builder expects as much glass area as possible, then low sash and frame height will play an important role. Keep in mind that this is a solution that costs more. Gealan Kubus is the only one that comes close to aluminum windows in this respect, but keep in mind that it is a solution that costs more than other uPVC alu look profiles. When it comes to sash frame height, Ideal Neo and Gealan Linear are also worths considering (4.33 in).

In all compared windows, the size of the glazing in relation to the window frame is similar – about 75-76%. The other important difference can be seen only in the specific constructions described below. p.s. Remember that uPVC alu look profiles don`t give as much glazing area as aluminum, but you gain in design.

ProfileSash+frame heightScore
Gealan Kubus3.94 in3
Gealan Linear4.33 in2
Aluplast Ideal Neo4.33 in2
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Infinity4.41 in2
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Abstract4.41 in2
Aluplast Energeto Neo4.53 in2
Gealan Kubus vs Energeto Neo frame sash height
Gealan Kubus vs Aluplast Energeto Neo (frame and sash height)

Width of the central post

If your project includes 2-sash or fix (fixed glazing/picture windows) windows divided by a mullion, the width of the center mullion and sash assembly will play an important role.

In the case of fix, the systems offer a 3.7 in mullion, only Gealan Kubus is worse – 6.06 in.

With casement windows and a movable mullion, the lowest mullion and sash assembly was achieved by Gealan Kubus 3.94 in, followed by Deceuninck Elegant 76 Abstract 4.88 in and Gealan Linear 5.16 in. In the case of the fixed mullion, the windows offer 7.01 in – 7.09 in. The most favorable again is Gealan Kubus – 6.06 in.

Gealan Kubus vs Aluplast Energeto Neo

Completeness of the system – minimalist uPVC windows

In the criterion of the most complete system, we don`t have a single winner – the profiles represent a comparable level.

Almost all the windows in the list received a satisfactory result and received 3 points each: Aluplast Ideal Neo, Aluplast Energeto Neo, Deceuninck Elegant Abstract, Deceuninck Elegant 76 Infinity and Gealan Linear. You can make a perimeter balcony with a frame or a balcony with a low threshold on these systems. All have RC2 grade burglar-proof hardware, while both versions of Deceuninck Elegant 76 also have RC3 available.

Gealan Kubus stands out slightly from its competitors, with no option for panel doors, and the flush version also lacks the option of a movable mullion or a balcony with a low threshold. For these limitations, these windows lose one point and in the completeness criterion they rank last with a score of 2 points.

Evaluation of manufacturers from Poland

As a window broker, we work on a daily basis with dozens of suppliers who produce windows from European system manufacturers in their assembly plants. The reliability of the supplier is extremely important so that you can smoothly carry out your window installation schedule during construction. Therefore, we evaluated:

  • repeatability of production of a certain quality
  • the time of valuation of windows
  • the certainty of fast and timely implementation of the order
  • adherence to declared deadlines
  • percentage of complaints and efficiency of complaint handling

All the window suppliers in our list represent a very solid level (2 points and above). The highest score was given to system manufacturer Aluplast Ideal Neo and Aluplast Energeto Neo. It surpassed the other suppliers primarily due to its high automation, repeatability of high-quality production and efficient way of handling complaints. These admittedly occur infrequently, but when they do, the supplier offers technical support and quick assistance in solving problems.

Detailed comparison of minimalist uPVC window profiles (table)

Windows systemUw (W/m2·K)U Factor (Btu/h·ft2·F)HardwareMin. sash + frame heightCompletnessSupplier`s reliability score
Aluplast Energeto Neo0.760.13ROTO NT4.53 in7/103 pts
Aluplast Ideal Neo0.800.14ROTO NT4.33 in7/103 pts
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Infinity0.810.14ROTO NX4.41 in7/102 pts
Deceuninck Elegant 76 Abstract0.790.14ROTO NX4.41 in7/102 pts
Gealan Kubus0.700.12WINKHAUS ACTIVEPILOT3.94 in6/102 pts
Gealan Linear0.780.14WINKHAUS ACTIVEPILOT4.33 in7/102 pts

As you can see, the windows in the list often went head to head with each other. The price per set of 12 windows and the supplier’s reliability rating played a key role in taking the final positions. 

If our ranking is missing information that is relevant to you, let us know. You can also take advantage of a free consultation with our business consultant and technologist, who will help you choose the optimal solution for your project.

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