Aluminum windows in New York. Save 40% by importing from Poland to USA – Case Study


New York , USA

Who did we help?

Our customer – Mr. Jacek Szewczyk – is an investor with a portfolio of projects spread around New York. His company has been present in the construction market for over 15 years. At the moment, it hires over 30 people. Aside from carrying out complex renovations, the company also builds houses from scratch. Its market success is an outcome of many factors, and using quality and verified solutions is one of them.

No wonder Mr. Szewczyk reached out to us only after his friend – our happy client – recommended our company to him. Based on this recommendation, he expected quality products and investment advisory. We must have fulfilled his expectations, considering that he became our long-term partner. We have just launched the 11th project together!


Our task was to deliver windows for Mr. Szewczyk’s two projects. One involved house construction, and the other – the renovation of an old building. Both required using high-quality aluminum windows and doors and non-standard elements. Mr. Szewczyk was looking for products that would provide the projects with the visual effect the architect wanted to achieve. It was supposed to be futuristic and based on luxury materials. Our customer wanted to receive a few variants to choose from in order to be able to make a conscious decision.


We assigned Mr. Szewczyk’s projects to the two most experienced specialists in our company. The duo consisted of Patryk Łakucewicz, a business consultant, and Agata Toczek, a technical consultant. During the consultation, Mr. Szewczyk underlined that:

  • he wants to use aluminum windows and doors because of its durability
  • he counts on fast and complex service, as well as maximum ergonomy of the suggested solutions
  • his project requires using a full-glass corner which should be created in the same system as the other elements applied in the project
  • the products he plans to use will be particularly prone to damage which enforces extra cautiousness

Presentation of the optimal variant

In the beginning, Mr. Szewczyk joined us for a 30-minute consulting session (free of charge) in order to discuss his needs and expectations. Based on its outcomes, we estimated that his company would save at least 40% of costs if the windows were imported from Poland.

Once we knew for certain that import would be profitable, it was time to pick the most suitable solutions. As windows and doors brokers, we could choose from a broad spectrum of products. We were thinking of applying either Cortizo or Aluprof systems. Estimations have confirmed that combining two systems from the Aluprof family will generate more savings. There were two reasons for that. First -Aluprof MB-70 windows are 10% warmer than Cortizo Cor-70, which results in lower energy consumption. Second – the Aluprof family is simply 20% cheaper.

Summing up: by choosing Debesto instead of a US-based provider, our customer has reduced his costs by around 50%.

Through the course of the cooperation, we have also managed to cope with the challenges the non-standard characteristics of Mr. Szewczyk’s projects would create. The biggest one was to construct the full-glass corner and fulfill the technical requirements for its manufacturing. Many producers are afraid of such projects, but we have started working on them in an instant. Working closely with debesto’s trusted producer, Patryk Łakucewicz and Agata Toczek have prepared a design and certification of this unique solution.

Another challenge was a result of the old building’s specifics and project requirements. In order to adjust to them, our team has replaced the standard door with visible frames with a frameless Cortizo Cor Vision terrace door. In its case, glass covers over 94% of the product as a whole. That has improved the light flow in the interiors and made the visual effect even better.

What has the client gained?

  • highest-quality product from a verified producer
  • rare full-glass corner solution
  • minimalist design and improved light flow in the interiors
  • all in one – the customer has ordered all the elements he needed from us
  • 44% cheaper transport – from Poland to the USA for only 1,690 USD (check our pricing)
  • support with logistics and customs
  • 40,000 USD saved compared to the US price

I am happy with the partnership we have with debesto. I love working with Patryk and Agata. I can always count on a fast and specific answer to my questions.

I value that debesto team takes my opinion as a customer into account at every project stage. At the same time, I appreciate that they aim to make the cooperation generate as much savings for the client as possible.

Jacek Szewczyk

Photo of Szewczyk's house

about author

Michał Żółkiewski specialist responsible for customer experience.

Want to know how much your business can gain by importing windows from Poland?