Calculate Your European Windows Delivery Price from Poland to the US
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Maryland
- New Jersey
- New York
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Oklahoma
- Vermont
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- New Hampshire
- Florida
- Louisiana
- Alabama
- Mississippi
- Arkansas
- Georgia
- Missouri
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Ohio
- Wisconsin
- Kentucky
- New Mexico
- Texas
- California
- Kansas
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- Arizona
- Montana
- North Dakota
- Oregon
- South Dakota
- Utah
- Washington
- Wyoming
- Colorado
- Idaho
- Alaska
- Hawaii
In each option, unloading the goods on site is on you. You need to ensure the ability for a semi-truck with a trailer of 53 feet to enter the construction site.
We have calculated the estimated cost for 1 container. Not sure if your order will fit into 1 container? Ask your consultant or arrange a consultation.
debesto reserves the right to load goods from more than one customer into a container in order to optimize transportation costs.
Prices current as of July 2024.
What kind of shipping to choose?
Full-Service Delivery (DDP Incoterms)
If you choose delivery on a DDP basis, this will be the most convenient solution for you, as you will only be responsible for unloading the goods from the container at the designated location. We will arrange all the transportation for you, cover customs duties and transport-related fees to deliver the goods to you ready for unloading. This is the most hassle-free way to transport!
Delivery to the construction site (DAP Incoterms)
Using DAP, the vendor arranges all transportation, handles export clearance and delivers the goods ready for unloading to the location you specify, paying all costs associated with this delivery. You are only responsible for import clearance, for covering applicable customs duties and taxes once the cargo reaches its destination, and for unloading the goods from the container at the site.
Delivery to port (CIF Incoterms)
CIF means that the seller, such as, will only be responsible for the shipment until it arrives at the destination port. The shipment will be insured by him for sea transportation. After that point, you will be responsible for getting it to the construction site.
Don’t have experience with import?
Learn about shipping from Poland to the US, what exactly you need to pay and how to save on it. Prepare for customs clearance and get a 0% VAT rate.
Read moreSee how we pack windows
Want to know how we pack windows? As an entrepreneur, I know that it’s hard to imagine what packed windows look like in transport, so I want to show you pictures of our realizations. You will see that at debesto we make sure the order in containers is packed compactly and safely. We take an individual approach – we pack in bulk, use racks or pallets, and secure the windows in place with foam. We wrap each window with stretch film. This way you won’t feel that the windows have arrived from another continent.
See real customers’ stories and results
We’ve helped construction companies safely and profitably import windows and patio doors to the U.S. Discover the advantages they’ve achieved with our help.
Read success stories