How to install patio bi-fold doors? Complete Video Tutorial

Here you will learn how to install patio bi-fold doors, taking reveals into account, and use such doors as separation between two rooms. Check our article and video with bi-fold door installation instructions.
What is a bi-fold door?
Bi-fold doors, also known as fold doors, folding doors or folding sliding doors, consist of glass panels which fold in or out to open up large space.
They are not only very popular in restaurants and cafes but can also be a perfect solution to separate two rooms. If you are a windows installer or your client is interested in such a solution, this blog post will provide plenty of valuable information.

Tools and materials needed for the installation of the bi-fold door:
- hex keys
- clear silicone
- rubber mallet
- measuring tape
- self tapping screws, wall plugs
- electric screwdriver
- set of shims
- self-leveling laser
- spirit level
- countersink bit
- concrete drill bit
- metal drill bit
- glazing packers
- set of bits
The installation of the folding door should be done by at least two people.

Achieving a flush surface
The threshold of the bi-fold door will be embedded in the floor to obtain a flush surface after installation.
If you want to achieve the same effect, be sure to check the threshold height in the selected system. It must not be bigger than the height below the floor level. If it is larger, the missing height will be supplemented with widenings.
In our case, we additionally had to take reveals into account. You will learn how to use system extensions to mask them aesthetically and to properly attach the bi-fold door to the body of the building.

Folding door door measurements
Making the correct measurements before the istallation of the bi-fold-door is a key moment, so watch carefully. We’ll start with the height. First of all, you will need to make three measurements.
For each of them, measure the height in three places and write down the lowest result.
You will have to do the same with the width later. Measure in three places and note the smallest value.

How to measure for a bi-fold door?
1. The first measurement (H1) is the height from the floor to the ceiling.
2. The second measurement (H2) is the height from the floor level to the lowest edge of the reveal.
Subtract H2 from H1, and then subtract 0.79 in more for the expansion gap. The result is the amount of extensions you will need.
3. The third measurement (H3) is the height below the floor level. Note that in our case it was equal to the height of the bi-fold door sill.
In a similar situation, add the threshold height to H2. You will receive the bi-fold door height you specify when ordering.
If H3 is larger than the threshold used in the bi-fold door, the difference between H3 and the threshold height is the dimension of the extensions you need.
Measuring the width
Use the rules of the first two measurements (H1 and H2) to measure the width of the bi-fold door – you will calculate the width of the bi-fold door and the dimensions of the extensions.

Our folding door
In our particular case, it was not possible to bring the entire bi-fold door structure inside the building.
We received the bi-fold door in parts and we put them together at the assembly site.
Using an electric screwdriver and a screw, we assembled the frame and set it in its final place.

Bi-fold door installation! Step-by-step guide!
We will go through the istalation process of a bi-fold door step by step.
Unpacking all the elements of the bi-fold door
1. After unpacking the bi-fold door frame, pick up all the parts and place them safely on the floor.
2. If you have extensions, put them together. Make sure all the pieces of the bi-fold door fit together well.

Assembling the frame of the folding door
3. Then arrange the elements on the floor so that they form the framework of the future bi-fold door frame, and then proceed to joining the individual parts.
4. Before permanently connecting the elements to each other, apply silicone and fix the connectors inside the profiles. Now press them together and use a screwdriver to tighten the screws in the corners.
Tighten the screws carefully and sensitively. Using too much force can damage the aluminum.
5. Repeat the last two steps for each side.

Quality parts = easy assembly
All the elements of the bi-fold door are precisely made on CNC machines and should fit together perfectly.
Debesto recommends this high quality product: Aluprof MB-86
Also remember to always join the elements of the bi-fold door with each other carefully.
In our case, it was also necessary to screw the extensions to the structure – from the top and from one of the sides.

Lifting and securing the frame of the bi-fold door
6. The frame is ready to be lifted and secured in place.
Make sure that the structure is perfectly leveled in both planes (this is the main cause of problems after assembly!) and fix it to the wall.
Our threshold is perfectly flat. Great!
7. On both sides, check that the bi-fold door frame does not tilt sideways and front-back. Use shims if necessary.
Check twice. If you’re okay then you can move on.
8. First the other side, then the top of the bi-fold-door frame.
Be sure to tighten the screws with even force. Otherwise, the bi-fold door frame may bend.

More precision with a self-leveling laser
9. Use a self-leveling laser for the highest precision. To make sure you haven’t distorted the bi-fold door frame, check the distance between the laser and the edge of the frame at four places. You must get exactly the same score for each of the points.

Installing the bi-fold door sashes
10. Time to assemble the sashes of the bi-fold door. Place shims under the sash to keep it horizontally without problems.
11. Now assemble the first sash by screwing down each hinge with screws. Do the same with the remaining bi-fold door sashes.
Finally, check that the closing and the opening of the bi-fold door is trouble-free. If you followed the previous steps carefully, everything should work fine.

We also invite you to check our other blog posts dedicated to the installation of windows and doors: